Sunday, August 19, 2012

AnehDot Sufi


Seorang Miskin Membangun Mesjid Paling Unik di Dunia

Mungkin kita tak percaya jika tidak melihat faktanya. Seorang yang tidak kaya, bahkan tergolong miskin, namun mampu membangun sebuah Masjid di Turki. Nama masjidnya pun paling aneh di dunia, yaitu “*Shanke Yadem*” (Anggap Saja Sudah Makan).
READ MORE - AnehDot Sufi

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lailatul Qadar


Allah revealed the Revelation, the Great Miracle, Holy Scripture, in the evening light, sprinkled with light, luminescence of the Supreme Light, more powerful than a thousand months of light.
READ MORE - Lailatul Qadar

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pendapat Tentang Hakekat Ekstase


Syeikh Abu Nashr As-Sarraj

Syekh Abu Nashr as-Sarraj —rahimahullah— berkata: Para ahli tasawuf berbeda pendapat tentang wajd. Apa sebenarnya wajd itu? Maka Amr bin Utsman al-Makki mengatakan, “Wajd itu tidak mungkin bisa digambarkan dengan ungkapan apa pun, sebab ia merupakan rahasia Allah yang ada pada orang-orang mukmin yang yakin.”
READ MORE - Pendapat Tentang Hakekat Ekstase

Puasa Sufi Imam Al Ghozali


There are really three levels of fasting: ordinary, special and very special.
Regular fasting, the intention is to hold yourself to eat, drink and biological relationship between husband and wife within a certain timeframe.
Special fasting, the intention is to keep the ears, eyes, tongue, hands and feet and other limbs of sin.
READ MORE - Puasa Sufi Imam Al Ghozali

Monday, July 30, 2012

Telaga Sufi di Bulan Suci


Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan puasa atas kamu sekalian, sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu, agar kamu sekalian bertakwa. (Al-Qur ‘an, Al-Baqarah 183)
READ MORE - Telaga Sufi di Bulan Suci

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Family Happiness


Marriage of two beings who met God in the bonds of the Sunnah of the Prophet. Like the people who will be a long journey, Departure pair of fellow travelers will navigate the vast sea of ​​life, full of caution and always be alert in order to reach your destination safely and sejahtera.
READ MORE - A Family Happiness

I Love You because I love Allah


Imam Syafii  was once asked by his wife, "My husband, do you love me?" He replied, "Yes, of course, you are part of my life." Hearing that his wife asked, "Are you also love God?
READ MORE - I Love You because I love Allah

